Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State – Financial Assistance

Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State – Financial Assistance in Goa: Learn about the Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State scheme in Goa, including eligibility, benefits, and application details for financial support.

Overview of Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State

The “Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State” is a scheme run by the Department of Fisheries in Goa. It offers financial assistance to active fishermen who contribute to the Fishermen Corpus Relief Fund and have suffered damage or loss to their fishing vessels due to natural calamities. Applications must be submitted offline.

Key Feature Details
Scheme Name Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State
Administered by Department of Fisheries, Government of Goa
Application Mode Offline only
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Benefits of Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State

Type of Loss Compensation
Death/Disability ₹5,00,000 for loss of life or total disability
Partial Damage to Canoe Up to ₹1,00,000
Total Loss of Canoe with OBM Up to ₹2,00,000
Fishing Vessel (1-4 cylinders) Up to ₹7,00,000
Fishing Vessel (6-8 cylinders) Up to ₹10,00,000
Fishing Nets (various types) Up to ₹5,00,000


Eligibility Criteria for Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State

Criteria Description
Fisherman Status Must be an active fisherman contributing to the Fishermen Corpus Relief Fund
Registration Fishing vessels and canoes must be registered with the Department of Fisheries
Damage Verification Damage or loss must be verified by the competent authority
Non-Defaulter The applicant should not be a defaulter


Application Process for Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State

To apply for the Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State scheme, follow these steps:

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Step Description
1 Print the prescribed application form
2 Fill out the form, attach a passport-sized photograph, and include all required documents
3 Submit the completed form and documents to the Department of Fisheries or the relevant BDO office
Note Submit the claim within one week of the incident


Grievance Redressal for Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State

If you have any issues or complaints about the Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State scheme, you can contact the Grievance Redressal Officer. Complaints can also be emailed to The Department will acknowledge your complaint and provide a resolution within 30 days.

Document Description
Photograph Passport-sized photo of the applicant
Vessel Registration Copy of the vessel registration certificate
Fishing License Copy of the updated fishing license certificate
Net License Copy of the updated fishing net license
Netbook Copy of the updated fishing netbook
Biometric Card Copy of the biometric card or temporary ID card
Inspection Report Original inspection report of the fishing vessel, OBM, or net
Bank Details Copy of the bank passbook and mandate form
Contribution Statement Statement of contribution to the Fishermen Corpus Fund
Death/Disability Reports Post-mortem report, missing report, or death certificate
Panchanama Report Copy of the panchanama report
FIR Report Copy of the FIR report
Medical Certificate Copy of the medical certificate
Loss Assessment Copy of the loss assessment report from an authorized marine surveyor
Weather Report Copy of the weather report from the meteorological department
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FAQ – Natural Calamity Relief to Fishermen of State

Question Answer
Who is eligible for the relief? Active fishermen who contribute to the Fishermen Corpus Relief Fund and whose vessels are damaged by natural calamities.
What types of damage are covered? Death or disability, damage to fishing canoes, vessels, and nets.
How do I apply for the relief? Fill out the application form, attach required documents, and submit it offline to the Department of Fisheries or the BDO office.
What is the compensation for loss of life? ₹5,00,000 for loss of life or total disability.
What documents are needed for the application? Documents include a photograph, vessel registration, fishing license, and more. Refer to the detailed list above.
How can I file a complaint? Contact the Grievance Redressal Officer or email for any complaints or issues.


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