Laadli Laxmi Scheme Goa – Financial Assistance for Girls

Laadli Laxmi Scheme Goa – Financial Assistance for Girls: Learn about the Laadli Laxmi Scheme in Goa which offers financial assistance to girls. Find out eligibility, benefits, and application details.


Important Details – Laadli Laxmi Scheme Overview

Aspect Details
Launch Date 6th July 2012
Department Department of Women & Child Development, Goa


Benefits of Laadli Laxmi Scheme

Type of Beneficiary Financial Assistance
Unmarried Beneficiaries ₹ 1,00,000 as a fixed deposit in the name of the Director (DoWCD)
Married Beneficiaries ₹ 1,00,000 as cash payment


Eligibility Criteria for the Scheme

Criteria Details
Gender Must be a Girl
Residency Born in Goa or a resident for the last 15 years
Education Minimum 7 years of education in Goa if a resident for 15 years
Parental Income Income should not exceed ₹ 3,00,000 per year
Parent’s Residency One parent must have been in Goa for at least 15 years or 25 years
Special Case Affected persons from Tillari Irrigation Project can apply with relaxation
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Application Process

Follow these steps to apply for the Laadli Laxmi Scheme:

Step Description
1 Fill out the application form, attach a photo, and include all required documents.
2 Send the completed application to the Director, Directorate of Women And Child Development, Panaji-Goa.
Note Submit applications within one year from turning 18 or marriage registration date.


Documents Required

To apply for the Laadli Laxmi Scheme, you need to provide the following documents:

Document Details
Birth Certificate Self-attested copy
Proof of Residence Self-attested documents showing 15 years of residence in Goa
Parent’s Residence Certificate Proof of 15 or 25 years of residence
Parent’s Birth Certificate Or documents proving the date and place of birth
Aadhaar Card For applicants after 01-04-2013
Self-Declaration In the format given in “Annexure II”
Income Certificate Certificate showing the combined income of both parents
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Additional Documents for Married Beneficiaries

Married beneficiaries who were already 18 or older before 01-04-2012 must include:

Document Details
Civil Marriage Registration Certificate Attested copy dated on or after 01-04-2012


FAQs about Laadli Laxmi Scheme

Question Answer
Who can apply for the Laadli Laxmi Scheme? Girls born in Goa or those who have been residents of Goa for at least 15 years.
What is the financial assistance provided? ₹ 1,00,000, either as a fixed deposit or cash payment, depending on the beneficiary’s status.
What documents are needed for the application? Birth certificate, proof of residence, Aadhaar card, and income certificate among others.
How long do I have to submit my application? Within one year from turning 18 or the date of civil marriage registration.
Can married beneficiaries apply? Yes, if they were 18 or older before 01-04-2012 and provide a marriage registration certificate.
What if my parents have passed away? Submit your 15 years residence certificate and birth certificate along with the death certificates of both parents.
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