Karma Sathi Prakalpa Scheme 2020 Overview and Details

West Bengal Karma Sathi Prakalpa Scheme 2020 Overview and Details: Explore the West Bengal Karma Sathi Prakalpa Scheme 2020 designed to aid youth entrepreneurs with financial support for new businesses and self-employment.


Important Details – West Bengal Karma Sathi Prakalpa Scheme 2020

Objective Description
Facilitate Entrepreneurs Assist new entrepreneurs in starting manufacturing enterprises, small businesses, services, and trading.
Create Self-Employment Generate job opportunities for self-employment in both rural and urban areas.
Financial Assistance Provide loans and subsidies up to ₹2,00,000/- for new projects in various sectors.
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Objectives of the Scheme

Objective Description
Support New Ventures Help potential entrepreneurs start new businesses and enterprises.
Self-Employment Create job opportunities in both rural and urban settings.
Financial Aid Offer soft loans and subsidies up to ₹2,00,000/- for new income-generating projects.


Scheme Details

Aspect Details
Loan Amount Up to ₹2,00,000/- for new projects.
Type of Loans Soft loans and subsidies.
Eligible Sectors Manufacturing, services, and trading/business.
Bank State-owned Cooperative Bank provides the loans.


How the Scheme Works

The scheme provides financial support to prospective entrepreneurs for setting up new ventures. It includes soft loans and subsidies to help with initial business expenses.

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Step Description
Application Apply for the scheme through the designated bank.
Loan Approval Upon approval, receive financial assistance up to ₹2,00,000/-.
Utilize Funds Use the funds for starting or expanding the business.



Question Answer
What is the West Bengal Karma Sathi Prakalpa Scheme? It is a scheme to support young entrepreneurs in starting new businesses with financial assistance.
How much financial aid can be received? Up to ₹2,00,000/- can be provided as a soft loan or subsidy.
Which sectors are eligible for funding? Manufacturing, services, and trading/business sectors are eligible.
Who provides the loans? The State-owned Cooperative Bank provides the loans.
Can the funds be used for any business? Funds should be used for new income-generating projects in the eligible sectors.
What is the main goal of the scheme? The goal is to create self-employment opportunities and support new entrepreneurs.
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