Haritha Haram Program – Overview, Benefits, and Participation

Haritha Haram Program – Overview, Benefits, and Participation: Learn about the Haritha Haram program in Telangana, its goals, benefits, eligibility, and how to participate.

Overview of Haritha Haram

Description Details
Program Name Haritha Haram
Meaning Green Garland (in Telugu)
Launch Date July 3, 2015
Chief Minister Kalvakuntla Chandrashekar Rao


Objectives of Haritha Haram

Objective Description
Increase Green Cover Raise the green cover from 24% to 33% by planting saplings.
Public Awareness Educate people about the importance of environmental protection.
Rejuvenate Forests Restore degraded forests and protect them from threats.


Benefits of Haritha Haram

Benefit Description
Increased Green Cover Improves air quality and provides wildlife habitat.
Climate Change Mitigation Trees absorb carbon dioxide, reducing climate change effects.
Soil Conservation Reduces soil erosion and improves soil quality.
Water Conservation Improves water retention and reduces evaporation.
Biodiversity Conservation Provides habitat for various plant and animal species.
Economic Benefits Creates jobs and produces non-timber forest products.
Health Benefits Improves air quality and reduces stress.
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Eligibility for Participation

Participant Type Eligibility Criteria
Individuals No specific criteria. Volunteer for drives or plant saplings.
NGOs Must be registered and involved in environmental work.
Educational Institutions Should have resources for plantation and adoption of forest areas.
Government Departments Must engage in plantation activities within their operations.
Corporates Need a valid CSR policy and involvement in environmental activities.


Exclusions from the Program

Certain areas and activities are excluded from Haritha Haram:

Exclusion Description
Construction Activities No felling of trees for building roads or infrastructure.
Non-Forest Areas Focus on forest areas; urban areas are handled separately.
Private Lands Only public lands are included, not private properties.
Commercial Plantations Focus on native species, not commercial or exotic plants.
Unsuitable Lands No planting on lands prone to erosion or with high water tables.
Areas with Conflicts Excludes areas with land ownership disputes or community rights issues.
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Application Process

Here’s how to apply for Haritha Haram based on your participant type:

Participant Type Application Steps
Individuals Volunteer or plant saplings without specific applications.
NGOs Contact the district forest officer (DFO) for partnership details.
Educational Institutions Contact the DFO for organizing drives or adopting forest areas.
Government Departments Contact the DFO for details on plantation activities.
Corporates Contact the DFO for CSR partnership or tree planting drives.


Documents Required

Different participants need different documents:

Participant Type Required Documents
Individuals Declaration form agreeing to follow guidelines.
NGOs Registration certificate, memorandum of association, annual report, PAN card, and bank details.
Educational Institutions Authorization letter, infrastructure details, PAN card, and bank details.
Government Departments Authorization letter, area details, PAN card, and bank details.
Corporates Incorporation certificate, memorandum of association, CSR policy, PAN card, and bank details.
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FAQ Section

Question Answer
What is Haritha Haram? It is a program to increase green cover in Telangana by planting saplings.
When was it launched? It was launched on July 3, 2015.
What are the main goals of the program? To increase green cover to 33%, protect forests, and raise environmental awareness.
Who can participate in Haritha Haram? Individuals, NGOs, educational institutions, government departments, and corporates.
Are there any exclusions from the program? Yes, it excludes construction activities, private lands, and commercial plantations.
What documents are needed to participate? Documents vary by participant type, including registration certificates, authorization letters, and PAN cards.


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