Fee Waiver Scheme for SC/ST Students – Overview and Eligibility

Fee Waiver Scheme for SC/ST Students in Goa – Overview and Eligibility: Discover the Fee Waiver Scheme for SC/ST students in Goa. Learn about eligibility, benefits, and the application process for higher education.

Fee Waiver Scheme Overview

The Fee Waiver Scheme for SC/ST students in Goa is a program by the Department of Education, Art & Culture, Government of Goa. This scheme aims to make higher education accessible by covering the fees for eligible SC/ST students. The goal is to ensure that no student is excluded from higher education due to financial constraints. The scheme is managed by the Directorate of Higher Education for general education and the Directorate of Technical Education for technical courses.

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Benefits of the Fee Waiver Scheme

Benefit Description
Full Fee Waiver The scheme covers all required fees including tuition, library, laboratory, and development fees.
Exclusions Other charges and fees not mentioned above must be paid by the student.


Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criterion Description
Residency Applicants must be born in Goa or have been a resident for at least 15 years.
Educational Background Applicants should have passed their qualifying exam from a Goa-based institution.
Community Applicants must belong to the SC/ST community of Goa.
Course Enrollment Applicants should be enrolled in the First Year of their Degree or PG course.


Application Process

Here is a simple guide to applying for the Fee Waiver Scheme:

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Step Description
Step 1 Print the application form or request a hard copy from the institution.
Step 2 Fill in the application form, attach a passport-sized photo, and include all required documents.
Step 3 Submit the completed form and documents to the institution at the time of admission.
Step 4 The institution will process the application and grant the fee waiver during admission.


Documents Required

Document Description
Proof of Identity Identity card or other official identification.
Caste Certificate Certificate proving SC/ST status.
Educational Qualification Proof of previous educational qualifications.
Proof of Enrollment Evidence of being enrolled in the First Year of a Degree or PG course.
Birth/Residential Certificate Certificate proving birth or residency in Goa.
Fee Receipt Receipt of fees for the current course year.
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Question Answer
Who can apply for the Fee Waiver Scheme? SC/ST students born or residing in Goa for at least 15 years can apply.
What fees are covered by the scheme? The scheme covers tuition, library, laboratory, and development fees.
Are there any fees that the student still needs to pay? Yes, any other additional charges and fees must be paid by the student.
How do I apply for the Fee Waiver? Fill out and submit the application form with the required documents to your institution.
What documents are required for the application? You need to provide proof of identity, caste certificate, educational qualifications, proof of enrollment, birth/residential certificate, and fee receipt.
When will the fee waiver be granted? The fee waiver will be granted at the time of admission by the concerned institution.

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