CM’s Lairik Heiminnashi Programme – Free Remedial Coaching in Manipur

CM’s Lairik Heiminnashi Programme – Free Remedial Coaching in Manipur: Learn about CM’s Lairik Heiminnashi Programme for free remedial coaching in English, Mathematics, and Science for students in Manipur. Eligibility, benefits, and application details included.

Important Details – CM’s Lairik Heiminnashi Programme

Key Aspect Details
Program Year 2017-18
Objective Free remedial coaching for English, Mathematics, and Science
Target Students Minority, OBC, or SC students in Manipur


Benefits for Students

Aspect Details
Coaching Cost Free for eligible students
Subjects English, Mathematics, Science
Syllabus As per BOSEM
Class Structure 3 periods of 45 minutes each, 6 months duration
Class Size Maximum 40 students
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Benefits for Coaching Institutes

Aspect Details
Funding Released in installments based on student enrollment and performance
1st Installment 40% in advance after signing contract
2nd Installment 40% after 2 months of coaching, with 90% fund utilization and student retention
3rd Installment 10% after course completion and quality assessment
4th Installment 10% after 80% of students pass final exams


Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the program, both institutions and students must meet certain requirements.

Institution Eligibility Details
Type Government school, recognized private school, or reputed private coaching center
Class Size Maximum 40 students per class
Manpower Qualified teachers, one coordinator, and one peon-cum-chowkidar
Infrastructure Minimum of 3 classrooms, with necessary facilities
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Student Eligibility

Eligibility Criteria Details
Citizenship Indian
Residency Manipur
School Class 8th to 10th in government or grant-aided institutions
Community SC, OBC, or Minority


Application Process

To apply for the coaching program, follow these steps:

Step Details
1 Download or collect the application form from the relevant offices
2 Submit the completed form and required documents to the Nodal Department


Documents Required

For Students For Institutions
Aadhaar Number Registration Certificate
Photograph Bank Account Details
Proof of Age PAN Card
Income Certificate Income Tax Returns
Education Qualification Residential Proof
Caste/Minority Certificate Coaching Center Details



Question Answer
What is the CM’s Lairik Heiminnashi Programme? It provides free remedial coaching in English, Mathematics, and Science to eligible students in Manipur.
Who is eligible for the coaching? Students from SC, OBC, or Minority communities, studying in classes 8 to 10 in Manipur, are eligible.
What subjects are covered? The program covers English, Mathematics, and Science as per the BOSEM syllabus.
How long is the coaching program? Each program lasts for 6 months, with classes having 3 periods of 45 minutes each.
How is funding provided to coaching institutes? Funding is provided in installments based on student enrollment, attendance, and performance.
What documents are required for application? Students need Aadhaar, photographs, proof of age, income, and other documents. Institutions need registration details, bank information, and proof of address.
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