Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana

Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana Overview: Learn about the Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana in Chhattisgarh, including benefits, eligibility, application process, and required documents.

Important Details – Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana

Scheme Name Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana
State Chhattisgarh
Objective To support unorganized workers with sewing machines


Details of the Scheme

Aspect Description
Scheme Name Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana
Purpose To provide sewing machines to unorganized workers and help them become self-reliant
Target Group Unorganized women workers in Chhattisgarh
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Benefits of the Scheme

Benefit Description
Sewing Machines Provided annually to registered unorganized women workers
Support for Self-Reliance Helps workers become self-sufficient in their businesses


Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana, applicants must meet the following criteria:

Criteria Details
Occupation Women working in construction or in sewing-related activities
Age 18 to 50 years
Previous Benefits No prior sewing machine or equivalent benefits from other schemes
Other Schemes Not previously benefited from the Chief Minister Cycle Assistance Scheme


Application Process

Follow these steps to apply for the scheme online:

Step Action
1 Visit the official Chhattisgarh labor website
2 Click on “Apply Now” under the Unorganized Worker Board section
3 Enter required details including district, beneficiary name, and registration numbers
4 Select the scheme name
5 Complete the online form
6 Upload required documents
7 Click “Submit”
8 Note down the application number
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Documents Required

Document Description
Labor Registration Card Proof of registration with the labor department
Age Certificate Verification of age
Bank Passbook Photocopy Proof of bank account
Income Certificate Proof of income


Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer
What is the scheme? The Asangathit Karmakaar Silai Machine Sahayata Yojana provides sewing machines to unorganized women workers in Chhattisgarh.
What are the benefits? Registered workers receive sewing machines to help them become self-reliant.
Can the same beneficiary get benefits twice? No, beneficiaries cannot receive benefits more than once under this scheme.
Who is eligible for the benefits? Women aged 18-50 working in sewing or similar activities who are registered and have not received similar benefits from other schemes.
What is the eligible age for benefits? Applicants must be between 18 and 50 years old.
If a beneficiary received benefits under another state scheme, are they eligible? No, if they received similar benefits from other state schemes, they are not eligible.
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